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Jawn Logic

So I feel like John Watson because I gave myself a shot a while ago in my leg and since then it's become sore and I've started limping because of it. Now I know what John feels like!! Or what he thinks he feels like.... And I told my friend (who I call Sherly) about it and she thought that I gave myself the shot in the arm and that I started limping... Make sense...
Sadly, though, I am not a master of John Logic. My shoulder did not start hurting.

Dying my hair

So I've decided I'm going to dye my hair because it's turning all yucky and brown. I'm dirty blonde but us dirty blondes, as we grow older, our hair grow darker. For instance, my dad was a white blonde when he was born and through elementary school but then it started getting darker and darker and now it's a deep brown and it's starting to turn grey. Mine's going on that path and I've not dyed my hair before because it's blonde and I love my blonde hair and I knew I would never get that colour back but since it's all brown now, I figured "Why bloody not?!?!?" So there we go... I want to dye it a dark red like Kiseop.
I was going through google trying to find a base pic for the colour I want and it just so happened that the 24th pic was Kiseop. I was like "Oooh I like that colour. Wait is that KISEOP!?!?!?!?" Yes, yes it is. It just so happen that I want his colour.


So it's the second snow of the year in IN but I wasn't here for the first one so it's the FIRST SNOW OF THE YEAR!!!..... IN IN!!!!!! Anyways, it's not really enough to play in but it is mesmerizing to just sit and watch the snow fall.....
YAY SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!